Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Continuation of seeking opinions about this woman….?

She has some issues. I have had 2 miscarriages. I was devastated when I had the miscarriages but I certainly did not go around calling myself a mother because I was not one. The ONLY way I can see someone calling themselves a mother after the loss of a child during pregnancy is if the loss occurs either through a still birth (which I don't mean JUST if she gives birth to a still born I mean if she loses the baby after the 20th week) because then (and I could be wrong) I think the baby can actually have a funeral and be recognized that way since the baby could begin to possibly survive on its own at that point (although rare that early). But to lose a baby at 7 weeks pregnant is SO common (unfortunate but true) and she is not a mother. She is being ridiculous and is probably making people sympathize with her less by acting this way. If she really thinks losing a baby at 7 weeks pregnant is the same thing as a woman losing her live adult child, she has some issues. It sounds like she needs some psychiatric help.. she clearly is not handling this miscarriage well. I saw a woman post on here a week or so ago to someone who had an abortion that even though they had an abortion they were still a mother because they had been pregnant and should consider themself a mother.. I was very confused and almost offended by that one

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