Friday, August 12, 2011

This Alienware PC Worth it ?

I would put a bit more into it and just build your own. That processor barely meets Black Ops system requirements, the RAM is low and speed is outdated, hard drive is very small, parts are all used

Quick accounting question?

In its first month of operations, Quirk Company made three purchases of merchandise in the following sequence: (1) 442 units at $9, (2) 589 units at $10, and (3) 295 units at $12. Assuming there are 530 units on hand, compute the cost of the ending inventory under the (a) FIFO method and (b) LIFO method. Quirk uses a periodic inventory system.

Should I call animal control on my best friend?

Where the hell are her parents!?!?! Anyway, yes definitely call animal control. In the mean time go over to her house with water for the dog as much as you can.

Is Tokyo FM on Keyhole TV?

I just learned about Keyhole TV. I downloaded it and it works. However, the program list is incomplete and I can't find the station that I am looking for, which is Tokyo FM 80.0 Mhz. Does anyone know if that station is on Keyhole TV;s list? If so, which entry is it on the list (TBS Radio 954 is on line 2 and FM Kyoto is on the next to the last line.)

Is it really a good idea to get a puppy?

dude you clearly dont have time to look after another animal. no animal should be in a cage ever. especially just because the owners cant be bothered to look after it.

How to break up with your boy friend ?

you should really just talk to him and tell him how u feel about him controlling you and how u feel like its just a physical realtionship, im sure he wont accutly commit sucide i dunno waht it is with guys they think with saying that they will keep the girl around but if anything it makes it worsse for them, so all u can really do is eaither talk to him about how u feel and tell him it needs to change or you tell him u cant do it anymore taht u need some space for you

Acer ASPIRE 4740G crashes when playing games.?

LOL! The ice pack isn't capable of cooling down the inside of your laptop! It IS overheating and that is why it shuts down. At best, you might blow the cooling ports out, get a cooling pad.

Is this laptop a good deal for my sister?

it is good you should go for it but also make different choice. these are the basic requirements you can easily find.

Where are some places or breeders that sell rabbits in Houston texas?

Im interested in getting a rabbit and have done most research but if you could tell me any problems that rabbits may have or little quirks.

Why does my Conure chew her tail when I'm away from home for a few hours?

I have a 8 month old Pineapple Green Cheek Conure since she's been weaned. For the past 2 months or so, and I've noticed tonight it's gotten worse, that if I decide to go out to a movie, out to eat or to town for a couple of hours, when I return home, she's chewed up the tips of her tail. I'm home with her all the time, besides the fact when I have to go out, and sometimes when I go out, I'll take her with me in the car, because she loves car rides. But, I went out to celebrate my birthday today leaving around 6-7 o'clock that evening. By the time I got home around 12:30-1AM, she had the ends of her tail chewed. She has plenty of toys, and a large cage. She even has preening toys to keep her occupied for when she wants to cut her little fits like that. I also notice, when she doesn't get her way, and gets mad, she will also chew on the tips of her tail as well. It kind of reminds of me a child throwing a tantrum. I'm just at a loss on what to do, because I have done EVERYTHING in my power to attempt to solve this problem, and I can't take her with me where ever I go all the time.

How do i start a quail farm? Diet? Cages? Breeding? Hatching? **URGENT?

you fail to mention the type of quail you are purchasing. Depending on the breed, make sure your cage is large enough for the number of fowl you got. I always fed my quail a gamebird mix of feed, and parakeet feed as a treat. Once they start breeding and laying eggs you can hatch the eggs in an incubator and raise and sell the chicks. If you are getting baby quail, you will need to have a brooder box for them. This could be as simple as a cardboard box with a wire lid and heat source. You will need a special water font (found at most feed stores) for quail so they don't drown in the water. Food and time and patience.

Do you have any weird habits/quirks?

For some reason, I have to have an even amount of points for Y!A. In fact, the reason why I'm asking this question is so then I could get an even amount of points. I would also sometimes vote for a best answer. So just wondering, what are your weird habits or quirks?

URGENT!! pregnant rabbit...HELP!?

Heyy, I have a female pregnant rabbit, she is nearly about 4 weeks pregnant I think, not sure on the exact due date bt she is behaving odd, before she wud run around all morning and eat loads and drink loads and play and be noisy bt now, well in the past 2 days she has been lying around loads and doesnt use her cage and keeps lying on my bed. She doesn't eat or drink much, very rarely wud she eat or drink or even move from the place she is. She wud just sit there or lie and that's it. She shud be giving birth any day now. Bt she did make a nest last week bt didn't outline it with her fur. Just made it out of paper and now she's broke her nest and left her cage. Also she used to dig around a lot and still does rarely + she pulled her fur out once last week bt kept it in her mouth and then dropped it. I'm worried that she is not going to make a nest for babies and why she isn't eating or moving much. Please help

What are some weird or interesting phobias/quirks that you have? Where do they come from?

I always shiver and get goosebumps whenever I hear the sound of someone biting an apple! I'm not even joking... I have no clue where it comes from either. What about you?

What manga and anime are you waiting for every week/month to come?

aside from all the other answers, i'm waiting for Gakuen Alice, Pandora Hearts, Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden, Goong, Vampire Knight, and lots more:D

Will my RAM work normally ?

Your RAM will run @ 1333mhz. There isn't much difference between the two. I would avoid RAM with tall heat spreaders because they can interfere with high end CPU coolers

Report on a genius.. who would be interesting?

I have to do a report for English on a genius that interests me. I'm interested in geniuses who have conspiracies around them or ones that little quirks/crazy things about them. Maybe like people that were so smart, it drove them to be insane. I wanted to do either Houdini or Tesla, but both were already taken. Any other ideas of geniuses that are interesting and who have lives and contributions that make you think a little bit? I don't care what field or category they were in, either. Thanks (:

Need help with bra sizing!?

I have discovered some new info about bra sizes and I have found that a lot of it is contradictory. Anyway, I measure 30 inches around my rib cage and 38 around the bust. I am currently wearing an obviously wrong size of 38 D. From my research I should possibly be wearing a 30 FF since I went down band sizes and up four cups. Is this right?

Am I depressed or not?

Okay so I'm not sure if this is depression or just teen crap. I'm 15, I have anxiety over everything, I am always down, I always just fake happy around others, my stomach is always upset, I have pains in my rib cage that the doctor says is nothing, I always overly think about every small mistake I've made, I can't fall asleep, I hate leaving my house and want to stay in all the time but I feel like a loser if I do, I don't like doing anything, and I pace constantly. I've felt like this for a couple years, but it is becoming more and more constant. I just want to be left alone. I can't even remember the last time I was really happy. Is this what most teens do, because most of my friends love going out and are generally happy. So depression or not?

Please please please help me .......... i dont know which graphic card is best for my PC :(?

First off you will need to upgrade your memory inside your computer. Next thing I would do is install a bigger HDD inside your computer. Then you can go and buy a graphics card but do those two things first and also put a better power supply inside the computer at least a 650 or 700 watt power supply.

Guys: How do you feel when you like a girl?

lol when it comes to asking a girl out, im extremely shy, but im a decent flirt. ill always smile when i see her, hold her glance, invite her to do things. as for internal feeling? it sucks actually, ill have trouble keeping her off my mind, but when i see my phone light up with a text from her...heaven.

Do I go back after all of this heart ache?

Maybe given time you can work it out. BUT in meantime, there's no reason why you cannot date other guys especially guys who appreciate your sensitive side.

What's wrong with my kitten? please help?

2 weeks ago my mom went to the pound to adopt a dog she saw online. I went with her, and she said I could adopt a kitten (no cats, because they'd fight with the 2 we already have). I saw this little black one meowing and playing with a ball in the front of the cage and I instantly fell in love. (: I took him home and he was covered in fleas (the pound we got him from doesn't treat any of the animals, just gives them shelter and food), so I gave him a flea bath, and he seemed to be doing fine. But about a week after we took him home, he started getting very runny eyes, stopped eating as much, and got really lazy. We took him to the vet, and was put on some antibiotics. Acouple days later he started throwing up and having really watery diarrhea, so we took him back to the vet, and his old antibiotics were replaced with a different set. A week later, he STILL has shown no signs of improvement, and hardly eats, or moves. He does drink normally though. I'm 15, so I can't take him to the vet myself, but I'm really worried. It bothers me that he hardly moves, and I hate seeing him so skinny, and that just seems to be getting worse. Does anyone know what could be wrong with him? The vet is closed for 2 more days and I don't want him to die.):

Why are some guys so friendly over text and so cold in reality?

well u just met him today. it might be nerves but it could be because he's tryin to feel you out. guys like to test you too, making rude comments or sort of showing displeasure in something you do, to see ur reaction. it gives them an idea if theyll like u enough to stick around.

Why does my cat act this way?

Sounds like there was no socializing at the animal shelter. Your cat is seeking comfort in the only place he's comfortable. I've seen some improvements when you put up a cat stairway so the cat can look down upon the room. He feels more comfortable there. If yu have access to Animal Planet look for cats 101 or must love cats. Very good info there. Good luck and thanks for rescuing him.

Parents, what behavior in your children do you really find annoying?

My son just turned 2 and has been a very well behaved child until just a few days ago. He is pissed off that I changed his sippy cup but I needed to go the cheaper route so now when he sees this new cup he has a meltdown. Growling and whining and eventually throwing it. I then begin to sternly yell at him to pick it up and we do this all over again just without the throwing the next time.

Parents of toddlers - whats one thing that your kid does that drives you crazy?

Ooh, that would have to be every dinner time. When she looks me square in the eye, smiles sweetly from her highchair, and then tips her whole dinner all over the floor, while still smiling at me. Then she cries, points and wants it all back again. Yes, love them!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is my Parakeet EXPECTING?

okay, i have a male and female parakeet. from the beginning (couple months ago) they've always been super close. ive seen them clean each other, sing to each other. ive seen the male get really excited when ive had them separated. But as far as i can tell ive never seen any signs of them mating. When i got the female the person at the petstore said they would only mate in a breading cage ? and that youd see them mate (he pretty much promised me this lol) Anyways, today i took the cage from the window and noticed that the house i bought them 2 months back (with nesting material) that all the nesting material had been thrown from the house to the cage floor in a ball. and there was white feathers every where (from the female) The female has never been an active bird, thats why its weird to wake up to this lol. anyways my only other question is could she be expecting? im not really sure, like what are some signs of her being preg. also if being pregnant is NOT the case, then why was all the nesting on the cage floor? thanks in advance.

Pregnant Bunny? Help please?

I had a bunny have one litter and she pulled her fur out and made her nest relatively close to when she gave birth. I saw her doing this about 2 nights (for those days, almost all of the nights were spent building the nest with hay, fur, whatever was around for soft bedding) before actually giving birth. She's a holland lop and she had 5 kits (gestation was about 1 month). I'm guessing since yours is building away already, the babies are about to come in the next day or 2. Good luck!!

Which Guinea Pig Cage would you get, out of these two?

I dont really buy stuff from ebay but i have a good expirence with amazon. I would go with the amazon one because they deliver fast and what they say is mostly true. Also google the cages and look at the reviews. Why cant you just buy a cage from petco or petsmart. I think going to a pet store will be the best.



What cage is best for a golden or teddy bear hamster?

Please don't tell me about bin cages. I can not make one of these. :( I would like know of any brand names. If you can please leave a link. So just please leave a brand name /type of cage.( not a bin cage) thank you. First person to leave an answer gets bets answer. :)

What should I do with my gerbil?

Get a boy gerbil and if they mate separate the babies from the mom for safety reasons and then you will have lots more to help yall

Have I done enough for tomorrow (convincing mum and dad to get me a hamster)?

Ok so my mum knows how well I take care of our puppy, Snoopy as I feed him every day, take him for walks down the woods sometimes and play with him. I have got a very good report and a lot of my mates get presents for good school reports but I don't usually :( I have wanted a hamster a while ago, before I got my rat (RIP Sam) and now I really want one again. I'm afraid they'll say no cuz my mum says they are really noisy at night which is ok for me as I am a heavy sleeper, but not ok for my parents as they are light sleepers. I would give it exercise before bedtime to help reduce the use of the wheel. Becuase I took care of Sam so well I hope they'll say yes. I made a poster and powerpoint to show them tomorrow - anything else I can do except wait? I've even got sorted where the cage can go.

Need loads of pregnant rabbit help please:(?

Heyy, I have a female pregnant rabbit, she is nearly about 4 weeks pregnant I think, not sure on the exact due date bt she is behaving odd, before she wud run around all morning and eat loads and drink loads and play and be noisy bt now, well in the past 2 days she has been lying around loads and doesnt use her cage and keeps lying on my bed. She doesn't eat or drink much, very rarely wud she eat or drink or even move from the place she is. She wud just sit there or lie and that's it. She shud be giving birth any day now. Bt she did make a nest last week bt didn't outline it with her fur. Just made it out of paper and now she's broke her nest and left her cage. Also she used to dig around a lot and still does rarely + she pulled her fur out once last week bt kept it in her mouth and then dropped it. I'm worried that she is not going to make a nest for babies and why she isn't eating or moving much. Please help.

Lagg on a Computer Game - Help?

Even though the Intel graphics in your laptop would be considered more powerful than a GeForce 3 and the Celeron processor in your machine is a lot more powerful than what the minimum requirements are asking for, you'll have a pair of issues to deal with - 1) Windows Vista and 7 handle graphics far differently than Windows 9x, 2000, ME, and XP do and 2) Intel graphics generally don't handle games all that well. You can try a compatibility mode (right-click the program icon and select properties) to see if that helps, and you can visit Intel's website and download the latest drivers for your video chip, but you may not be able to play the game on anything but low settings. Also, adding more RAM and updating other drivers in your system (wireless network, sound, and anything else you have) can help prevent lag.

What do people generally think of transvestites?

I am fine with transvestites. I watched a program that said native americans refer to them as 'twin spirited' meaning that they had both male and female spirits. This description has always stuck with me. I have not had any transvestite friends, but I have encountered them in society. I had a manicure from one and she was the best! One of the transvestites I knew worked at the gym I belonged to. I thought she was attractive. I think if the person remains well groomed, it is okay.

Why is my cat pawing at my lips?

I adopted my cat when she was around a year old, and have had her for at least 4 or 5 months now, and she has quite a few other quirky habits, but the past 2 weeks, every morning exactly 10 minutes before my alarm goes off, she has started waking me up by pawing at my lips repeatedly. She doesn't meow, but just keep poking at me, even if i turn over she'll just follow unless i put my head under the covers. After getting up I check to see if she was in need of food or water or anything but it wasn't the case. Does this behavior mean anything in particular or is this just another one of her quirks?

Pregnant female guppy?

ok so heres the story. i got a female guppy about 3 weeks ago, i paired it up with the male for about 5 days then put them both back in the tank. about a week before she was due, i put her into a breeding thingy, one of those cages that floats in the tank, and i just realized that the dad has to fertalize the eggs, would he have already done that, she is due in about 3 days

How do you get friendly with a cockatiel?

I have a male cockatiel and apparently he was hand-fed. But for some reason I think he's scared of me. Whenever I put my hand in the cage, he hisses and tries to bite. He keeps looking at the little mirror in his cage and doesn't pay attention to really anything else. I think he thinks that the mirror is another cockatiel looking back. He occasionally fights with the mirror as well. I try to coax it out of the cage sometimes but it's hard since he won't even come close to my hand. Every time I succeed in getting him out, though, he flies around the house everywhere and wouldn't stop squawking. Please help! I really want to play with him and let him know that I'm no threat.

Syrian or dwarf hamster?

I have had two Syrian hamsters, and my most current one died recently. She had been struggling with various health issues all of her life, which is why I want to adopt one from a reputable breeder this time around. I contacted the owner of AAA Hamstery here in Southern California, and she has 8 sable roan Syrians available (as of now). However, she specializes in dwarf hamsters, and I have never owned one. Are they much different? I do like the idea of having a small group hamsters. I also have a critter universe 2, and if I do end up getting dwarves, does anyone know how many I could keep in that particular cage? By the way, this is purely opinionated. If you love Syrians, that's wonderful. And dwarves too. So please share any unique stories and quirks that either may have. It's all I have to decide on. Thanks in advance!

Why do some people think it's 'cool' to have a mental illness?

They just don't understand. Maybe you should try explaining to them what OCD is. I used to joke about it before I knew what OCD meant.

What quirk(s) do you have?

I hate it when people use "ur", "u", "y", "r" (the list is endless, I could go on forever)... when writing something. Even if it's via text or on the internet, it still really bugs me! I also get really worked up when people get "your" and "you're" mixed up or don't even bother trying to get it right. Man, that makes me sound so lame.

My friend is stealing my bestfriend off me :/?

my friend is getting really close to my bestfriend, they live near each other so they hang out all the time. they have all these little phrases and quirks tht make them perfect bestfriends. they always go off at lunch and have a laugh all the time. i feel soo jealous and i dont want lose my bestfriend. all advice appreciated xx

Is the universe contained within a black hole?

no. the event horizon is the limit where even light will be attracted to the black hole when it passes through the event horizon, that's why we cannot see the things inside a black hole because the light emitted by the black hole is again attracted to itself with its massive gravity.

PLEASE CLICK THIS IF YOU WANT TO SAVE A LIFE! please i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

ok so this website called is broadcasting live a cat in a cage. they are counting down and there is a poll. more than half the people are voting to kill the cat than save it. PLEASPLEASEPLEASE click on the link above and press "salve o gato" to save the cat. DO NOTTT press on "mate o gato" or u will have voted to kill it. please help if u want to save an innocent cats life!!!1 please!!!! im begginggg!!!!

This is my story srry it's kind of long tell me if it's any good please?

The idea of the Zombie Apocalypse is not very original. The writing is very immature. We are talking about 2nd grade adjectives. There are a ton of grammar mistakes. Work on it.

Squealing and Squeaking hamster?

i got my new teddy bear hamster today and wen im not by thou cage he squeaks and squeals and tries to get out im scared HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is this cage too small for my rabbits?

Yes, that is far too small for a pair, and so is your larger cage. Look into an X-pen either instead-of or attached to the cage you already have. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a With a larger rabbit and a smaller one, I'd be looking for at least 12 square feet (and that would be provided they get at least 4-6 hours out of the cage daily for exercise).

Should we move towards this kind of society?

Should psychiatry evolve to medicate all children since birth for any little quirks or abnormality so that teaching children in public schools and raising them will be less of a pain and society will be more homogenous? Should there be so many disorders invented that everyone on earth has to be medicated for something and the government requires that everyone takes medication? A way they could force people to be drugged if they don't have the perfect personality for their society is disallow them from buying or selling anything if they don't swallow their pills. Better yet, should we just exterminate everyone who doesn't live to serve collective society and has their own interests and deem them a danger to society and "mentally ill"? We could make having the ability to get medicated a priviledge and those who have to be exterminated could be the "unlucky ones" that would be a good way to put fear in people so that they don't rebel and all the power is rested in the collective and we are all indebted to each other. So what do you think?

How do I compute this physics problem about a bat and a moth?

Suppose a bat tries to locate a moth by emitting sound pulses and detecting the echo. Assume that the ultrasound frequency is 10 MHz. If the echo returns after 0.25 s, how far is the moth from the bat? I'm sure this is easy, but I have been racking my brain for a solution, we went over the doppler effect in class but this doesn't seem to fit the formula.

My Daughters 9 year old this normal ?

My daughter just turned 9,she has a difficult time making friends.She made a friend that shares her quirks and they have playdates..etc..her family lives within earshot of our a block away.Both have gone to each others houses without their respective parent tagging along for the daughter had her birthday,and after being stood up by everyone invited last year we just decided it would be best for her and her buddy to do something together.We called her parents and asked if she could stay the night and go to the movies...they say ok..that it would be her first sleepover away from home.Then a few days later say that she has never rode in someone elses car for that long of a trip.If they could drop her off at the theater which is 25 minutes from home.So,we ask if she would like to come to..."oohhh no..that's ok I'm just protective".Soo they change their mind...they let her ride with us.OK..this is what I'm asking about...when the movie was close to being over I step out for a cigarette.I'm kneeling on the sidewalk up from the theatre.I look up and see her dad driving up the lot!!??I'm thinking maybe its not their car...but he drives right up to the door and looks all around,looks up and sees me a distance away,mind you....and turns down an aisle and gets the heck outta there!!So..I think. Maybe it wasn't him...then the next day when he pick her up he tells my wife...I was in the area yesterday....had an errand to run(in the same place we are at?)I saw your car"...???I'm thinking these people are CRAZY...I'm protective of my kids as well..but that is well as a little psychotic IMO...stalking us on our 9 YO birthday?Is that normal or do I need to be worried bout them?

Daughter rolls eyes to side, shakes her head like she's saying no then laughs..?

Aw I am like that too! If my son does something i think it strange I look it up on the internet! And it usually makes things alot worse than what they really are! I wouldnt stress. She just seems like a normal toddler! If you are really concerned take her to her doctor. Maybe it will ease your mind :)

Which laptop is best?

The Acer Aspire 5551 is the better choice. The processors have same clock speed, and both have same amount of RAM, same hard drive, BUT the Acer 5551 has better graphics card. Even if all you are doing is light gaming, you generally want to avoid integrated graphics. The 5742Z has integrated graphics while the 5551 has hybrid graphics. Incidentally, if you don't know about hybrid graphics, I'll explain. An integrated graphics card has no memory of its own and must share RAM memory with the CPU, a hybrid card contains some dedicated memory of its own(not shared with cpu) plus, some it also share with cpu. In the case of the 5551 above it has a Radeon 4250 in it which has 256 MB dedicated and then it also has another 1GB available that is shared. With hybrid graphics you can usually play most games to at least their mid level graphics settings while with integrated you can only play to low level if at all (depending on game).

My friend is stealing my bestfriend off me :/?

my friend is getting really close to my bestfriend, they live near each other so they hang out all the time. they have all these little phrases and quirks tht make them perfect bestfriends. they always go off at lunch and have a laugh all the time. i feel soo jealous and i dont want lose my bestfriend. all advice appreciated xx

Does he like me? PLZ HELP!?

Well I knew a lot of people in this situation. If it's your best friends step brother I think you should just stay as friends. Good luck!

Why do people sometimes tap their finger exactly 5 times during contemplation?

I can't be the only one who notices this, but I never hear about it. Sometimes when people are working out a problem that's not too pressing, they will tap their face, temple, or desk in front of them EXACTLY 5 times. Every once in a while you'll see 3, but mostly it's 5. Sometimes you'll see all the fingers on one hand go into a piano playing like gesture. I notice it's only for non serious problems, like what they should have for lunch, or how can they arrange the furniture to impress someone, - those sort of problems. It's a strange little quirk I've always wondered the meaning of. Why is the nervous system designed this way?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Should I report animal cruelty to my step dad? And how?

if it were me in the situation and i would kick that stepdad in the nuts ... just randomly approach and a swift kick to the nuts (if he has to hold back tears, the kick was done right) ... and i would tell him if he ever kicks one of the dogs again, or hurts any of them in any way the phone will be grabbed and 911 will be called ... not only is your step dad an ***, he is a pretty crappy role model for young person growing up ... please know not all men are like your step dad ... even if you are young, you still can be quite direct and firm that abuse of your animals will not be tolerated ...

My dog has died. What kind of pet should I get?

My dog has died. I am lonely. What kind of pet should I get? I used to sleep with my dog but he is no more. Should I get another dog or a cat? Specifically, what type of dog or cat should I get. I want one to cuddle with and have as a companion. I would also like to see its little quirks.

My guinea pig had many little bugs in his cage, can someone help me!?!? What could they be?

If it is in his litter, it is fly eggs. Larva. Try cleaning it's cage once in a while. If it is on him, mainly his ears or eyes, it could be mites. My old guinea pig died from mite infestation so get him to the vet if this is the case!

Can a regular macbook run Final Cut Pro X?

go on the apple website and double check the system requirements. It probably will, but double check to be sure

I can put millet right in front of my parakeets faces but they won't eat any! Help!?

I have two parakeets about 10 months old i put millet in my hand and can like touch their beaks with it, but they won't eat any! No they don't have any thing wrong with them because i have seen them eat their regular food. Lastly, if i leave the millet inside the cage they will eat it just not from my hand but the weird thing is they will eat in front of me and let me come VERY close to them with my hand with out them flapping around please help!

Why am i having problems booting with my overclock?

i have a dual core e7200 processor and the thing has only boot at 3.8 ghz once now, but during that boot it was flawless as i tested it using super pi and i gamed in BC2 for 2 hours. I also tested my WEI with it. in order to get that clock speed i did a 9.5x multiplier with an fsb of 400 mhz (ddr2 800 ram running in 2:1 ratio). however i just moved my computer to a different room and now even if i change my voltage from the 1.32 that i used to attain 3.8 ghz up to 1.45 volts, the computer still refuses to boot at anything more than 8.5x multiplier with fsb 400 (3.4 ghz). why am i having these discrepancies in boot-ability if my temps never went over 55C under full load at 3.8 ghz? does it need even more voltage? am i grounding it out? does my motherboard suck? maybe i could use a bios update? my motherboard is a microatx gigabyte g31m-s2l

Why do I start acting like people I hang out with?

I've always sort of known I do this, but recently its become extremely clear and obvious. I'll begin to mimic certain personality traits, quirks like how someone laughs or talks, or certain subtle movements like if I hang with a friend who flips his hair alot then I'll eventually start doing it. Its not just with people I hang out with either. When I watch movies I sort of take on the vibe of the movie. For example I was recently watching Donnie Darkko (great movie I highly reccomend it) and I started to think of really weird unusual things that where kind of related to the dark, creepy, and sort of evil feel the movie and Donnie has. I have minor ADHD and no other know mental illnesses. I do however get homicidal/suicidal thoughts and urges randomly but none have ever been strong enough for me to act on. I have no idea why I do this and it may just be my random personality quirk but if its something more I'd REALLY like to know because it intrigues me. The whole idea is very interesting to me and if you have any idea why I might be doing it please share.

Continuation of seeking opinions about this woman….?

She has some issues. I have had 2 miscarriages. I was devastated when I had the miscarriages but I certainly did not go around calling myself a mother because I was not one. The ONLY way I can see someone calling themselves a mother after the loss of a child during pregnancy is if the loss occurs either through a still birth (which I don't mean JUST if she gives birth to a still born I mean if she loses the baby after the 20th week) because then (and I could be wrong) I think the baby can actually have a funeral and be recognized that way since the baby could begin to possibly survive on its own at that point (although rare that early). But to lose a baby at 7 weeks pregnant is SO common (unfortunate but true) and she is not a mother. She is being ridiculous and is probably making people sympathize with her less by acting this way. If she really thinks losing a baby at 7 weeks pregnant is the same thing as a woman losing her live adult child, she has some issues. It sounds like she needs some psychiatric help.. she clearly is not handling this miscarriage well. I saw a woman post on here a week or so ago to someone who had an abortion that even though they had an abortion they were still a mother because they had been pregnant and should consider themself a mother.. I was very confused and almost offended by that one

Guinea pig lost a brother...but didn't crash about it...yet...?

Just give him all the extra love you can. You may not see a grieving period, per se, as they weren't in the same cage together.

Who i choose? my best friend or my ex?

i have had a crush on my guy friend for about three years, but i have been in denial for two. i recently dated my other best guy friend, but found out i didn't like him as much as i thought i did. both are really cute and sweet, but each has their quirks. my ex is clingy and kinda obnoxious, the other has creepy friends. my ex apparently is still interested, but i have no idea with my crush. my ex has dated ALOT of girlfriends and a lot of them are unsavory characters, like my supposedly "best friend". he was supposedly in love with her but broke up with her for no reason. my crush has only had one girlfriend and she cheated on him. one other thing, my ex is bi, i normally would not have a problem with this, only he seems like hes interested in my friend. what i want to know is what should i do?

I need help on the right cage for my degu's?

im getting 2 degu's and ive seen a cage i like its the critter 3 tier cage i need to know if this is suitable as i think its all mesh wiring and when ive been reading about degus the can get bubble feet from this help please i want to decide on the right cage on the read uo for the cage it says it is suitable for degu's

Cage bar spaceing for parakeets?

Hi, first off i have 2 keets, in a cage with .5" bar spaceing. i know lots bout keets,but im looking to get another to train(dont say its cruel to have one alone. im home all day to give it plenty of attention so dont even say it.) anyway, i have a ferret cage, i was thinking of converting into a parakeet cage. but the bars are almost 1 inch spaced,and i was wondering if that would be bad,or if the keet would get out? they are horasantal bars to climb, but i need an experst opinion. thanks

Is This PC Configuration Good?

It's good, and in fact it may be a bit overpowered (do you really need a 3,2 GHz quad core? Will you fully utilize it, or will it idle most of the time?). However, if you're aiming the build for gaming, consider a more powerful graphics card. The 5670 is last-gen material, and it's from the "mainstream" segment. Consider a 5770 or perhaps a 6750.

How many of you think that I'm right when I say this?

Everyone should marry and/or go out with anybody that they choose. You shouldn't give a damn if the person that you love is Christian or not!! If you really do love someone then you shouldn't give a ****!! Even if you're a Christian and the person that you love is Muslim (the religious enemy of both the Jews and of Christians). If you truly love somebody then you should be able to go past ALL of their quirks... even religious ones. If you let something get in the way of your relationship - even if that something is as big and important as religion - then you don't truly love each other. And if you're not willing to give somebody a chance because you base your feelings off of religious beliefs then it's almost as if you just slapped that person and their feelings right in the face and said "I DON'T CARE!!". If you believe that you should marry only within your religion then you're not much different from a racist. It's like saying that you won't date a black or asian person just because you and the rest of your family are white!! (or the other way around depending on what race you are) The world and the people in it do not need to live like this!! Everyone should be able to love whoever they want and not allow ANYTHING - not even religion - to get in their way!!!

Trashy breakup or legitimate?

yes she wants a sugar daddy she choose badly the last time, and she might be a great girl but is not an adult yet. She needs to work and make her own way or she will feel unhappy and be going over and over to another man, because she doesn't realize that happiness comes from within

Is my CPU overheating?

82 degrees Celsius is almost at the temperature of boiling water. You have by now completely fried internal components in your laptop. Soddered micro chips have come undone and your computer is probably quite trashed on the inside. Your internal fans are not working probably, and you probably wont beable to trade it in.

When should I go to the ER if I think I am having a gallbladder attack?

On Thursday afternoon I began having pain on my right side right at the bottom of my rib cage. A dull achey pain has been constant there since with sharp pains coming and going. I have been feeling nausea and some pain/almost burning in my chest more on the right side. I have a horrible headache that started about two hours ago. The pain is worse at night and after eating. I haven't eaten much as I have gotten over the pain and don't want to do anything to make it worse. I have had diarrhea immediately after eating for a few months until this attack started and now I feel constipated. My temp is now 99.2 and is normally 97.6. I plan on going to the Dr. on Tuesday because of the holiday Monday, but I have heard horror stories of people waiting too late to go to get help.....

My 6 yr old male cat had a seizure?

dont stress just yet. if it happens again bring him in to the vet. no matter what what the vet says on the phone. they just might not like cats or ur cat. better safe then sorry.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Green anole tail fell off, what do i do now? it scared me =( I have another one in the inclosure HELP! asap?

My green anole im sure he is male hes bigger then the other one i have which is smaller and theyre both green and he doesnt have a dewlap so is he still male? theyre about 2 yrs old and i accidentely grabbed his tail while holding him because he fell out of my hand and im worried now about him... hes still moving and all acting normal in his cage and him and the female dont ever get around each other much so idk if he is a male or not but it worried me it happened because i dont know what to do =( and the poor guy =( 10 TO BEST PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! will he be okay?

How good is this laptop according to this in the terms of gaming?

Everything looks really good (especially the CPU and RAM) but that video card won't do except for pretty low resource extensive games

Will a parakeet/budgie die if it swallowed pool water?

Although you should watch out for pneumonia in a totally soaked parakeet, birds swim in and drink chlorinated water often, and although it is not usually fatal to them, it can cause heart disease, liver failure, and in females disformed or bound eggs. This is usually prolonged exposure in larger birds, however. In a tiny bird like a budgerigar, it is probably more toxic, but with rest, food, and water, he may be just fine. Good luck :)

I'm trying to make a gaming PC, although I need help with it.?

I put together computers for guys at my college all the time and I can tell you right now that that is a beast of a computer. What kind of gaming are you planning on doing? The hacking kind? Yes it's all compatible but I would say get a 5770 graphics card. Especially since the motherboard video specs are par and everything else on the computer is juiced. You should possibly invest in larger fans or a cooling unit.

Can a 16 year old work at a vet clinic? To do odd jobs, etc.?

You probably can't work there but you can most likely volunteer. It's to much work and I doubt they will let a 16 year old work and get paid at a vet clinic.

What about the pc I'm going to build, also is the display and psu good in combination with the parts?

If your video card is the XFX HD-567X-ZNL3 you need a 500W PSU...the monitor is fine but my eyes are old...I prefer a 24" screen!

Good games for this laptop?

I have the same laptop. Honestly, it's no gaming machine. Any older game will probably run at lowest specs. The only game I tried on it was team fortress 2, and that ran decently at low settings.

What book should I read next from my

The first one...... I am studying queen Elizabeth she is quite interesting and if these books are just for fun you shod read Jane eyre, great old English book. I'm readin it and I'm 13 it is amazing. Plus they are makin a movie formit soon. Like an in theatres movie. So u can read the book ten watch the movie

Little Baby Starling?

We had a very old birdhouse sitting on top of a very old pole, My little brother decided it would be a good idea to shake the pole so the birdhouse fell off and inside was a baby starling. I had an old Rat cage and that's where it is right now. I don't know how old it is but it has it's adult feathers and I need to know how to feed it and what it likes best.

German grammar quirk?

Why, when you say "I am cold" in German do they use the dative- "Mir ist kalt", but then when you say "we are cold" they don't- "Wir sind kalt" (instead of "uns ist/sind kalt") ?

How to get my dog to not be afraid of outside?

Our dogs are in a cage on the porch. We let them out several times a day. One of our dogs, often refuses to leave the porch because he hates thunderstorms and loud noises. We have had a lot of thunderstorms lately, and as the Fourth of July is tomorrow, there is a lot of loud noises. Sometimes we have to pick him up and set him outside and run to shut the door so he will stay out. Then, when he is out, he will often just sit by the door. It's unhealthy to hold in urine and waste, so what can I do to make him be comfortable with outside?

How to I get my husband to stop mouth breathing and sucking wind after sentences?

My husband comes from a family of mouth breathers. His mother mouth breathes very loudly, and it is quite disturbing. My husband mouth breathes and I have been after him to try to get him to stop. I can't even stand when is next to me, mouth breathing in my ear and face. Another very strange quirk he has, is sometimes, especially when is excited, is to suck wind after every sentence, through his mouth. Sometimes he makes a hissing sound inward through closed teeth. Otherwise, he purses his lips out and just take a huge intake of air through his mouth, where other people would take a intake of air through the nose. I can't stand it. Please help me otherwise the mouth breather is going to drive me crazy. I don't see any allergies going on here. He lived with his Mamma until he was in his late 40's and he just mimicked and picked up her ugly breathing habits.

What do I need for my hedgehog?

I had a hedgehog and had to get an extra-large cage, like the size for a large rabbit, but it has to be a solid bottom or they will hurt their feet or legs, Also hedgehogs don't climb so a hamster cage is not best and it's too small... Bedding can't be cedar, pine or aspen, I would just stay away from wood chips in general. Corn cob or paper bedding is good. And hedgehogs are messy so you would run out of newspaper quickly but it works. there is commercial hedgehog food or a high quality cat food is good, meal worms are a treat and so are fruits, they will get sick if that is all they eat. Litter box ha! I tried that and no cigar. She hated it, wouldn't even get in, let alone potty in it. You’re supposed to be consonant and place them in it as the potty and they will get the idea, mine would get startled and hide under her wheel. Also hedgehogs are an animal that potties as they walk and run i.e. they potty on their running wheel (which you need for a hedgehog, they need to run), which means the wheel needs to be cleaned daily. any more questions and email me.

Which processors can I use to upgrade my PowerMac G4 AGP 450?

You'd be wasting time & money on something just to make it a bit less obsolete than it already is

Why is my car putting and wanting to stall?

I have a 1992 Oldsmobile Trofeo that acts as though its going to stall. Some work has been done on it and this little quirk is something the car just recently started doing. Whether the car is on idle or being driven it sort of putters and jerks a little and seems like its going to stall. Sometimes when it does this the car needs shut off then restarted and it will be fine but only for a short time and it will begin again. I've tried fuel injection already. Could i need a new fuel filter possibly? Oil change just recently done and all hoses seem ok. Anyone got any clue?

Can My Mac Run this Game? 10 Points For Best Answer?

it should run just fine look at the minium requirments and on bootcamp or what not give it a little more ilke if it needs 1 gb or ram give it 1.25 gb of ram and so forth and yes you will be able to play the other game.

Very confused about my budgie's gender o.o Help?

Okay, so first off, let me say that Mick Jagger is like by far the coolest budgie name. EVER. haha I would've never thought of that, but I do have four adult budgies and 6 baby ones so, I might just end up naming one of my birds Mick Jagger, but anyways...I'm pretty sure that Sherlock is a girl. Just by looking at his/her cere. But for now, I'd mark that as undefined gender. When budgies are young, you can't really tell if they're a girl/boy. But maybe wait a couple months and it might be a little more visible. If not, go to a vet.

Alternatives to Chloroplast for a Guinea Pig C&C cage?

I can find the cubes, but not the chloroplast and im not much of a carpenter to be shaping the chloroplast for the cage, so opinions?

What does this guinea pig behaviour mean?

That is common guinea pig talk for setting up the rules of the cage, they understand each other quite well. The bigger guinea pig is just letting it be know he intends to be the boss of the cage, as long as there is not fighting that draws blood they are working everything out in their own silly little way.However, if blood draw does happen you will need to separate them at once as they will fight until one of they is seriously hurt. Just because they were brothers does not matter, even if they had not been separated from birth they would still work out who is going to be boss of the cage. As long as they have a nice size cage so each has plenty of room every thing should work out well.

I went on a first date with this guy, but am now having doubts?

We started talking on facebook once the semester finished (we're both in college), and now it's summer. We like a lot of the same things, and I ended up getting his number, and so we started texting daily. He lives kinda far away from me, so we decided to meet up somewhere for a first date, and I knew he really liked me already. I liked him, but wasn't sure, because I hadn't hung out with him yet. The date went well, very well actually, but I kind of fixated on some of his quirks I guess you could say, and now today (a few days later), I am having doubts about him. I feel like that's normal, because first dates are usually awkward (this was my first, first date) I'm told, but I don't know. Am I just expecting too much too soon? We're hanging out again in a few days for most of the day, and so I'll get to know him better then, but I don't know. I feel weird about this, but maybe it's because I've never done this before, and I've always been kind of weird about showing emotion (and I guess having other people be like that around me). I also do this with a lot of things, like fixate on one thing bad/weird about something/someone and then just give it up. Is that what I'm doing? I guess I'm looking for reassurance.....this is just all so new for me....i just don't know. Thanks for reading :)

How do i get my Pentium D 925, 3.00 Ghz processor to clock at 3000 Mhz ?

After i reinstalled my Windows Vista Business OS, my Pentium D 925 3.00 Ghz processor will only clock at 2395.99 Mhz and not at the 3000 Mhz as it did before i reinstalled the OS. So how do i increase the clock speed on a HP Compaq Dx2300 Business computer back to 3000 Mhz ? You can't access the bus or clock speed in the Bios.

How about the pc which I'm going to build?

That all looks pretty good except for the graphics card I'd go with an EVGA GTS 450 instead of the older 5670. The 450 is a little bit more at 129.99 but it's a way better card.

Upgrading a PC ( need some suggestion )?

if money is an issue. Buy the Intel board. Your not overclocking so that board will be fine. Buy yourself a nice big monitor. You might miss usb 3.0 later on though so keep that in mind as more peripherals become available that use that interface.

Strange dog quirk advice needed?

I wouldn't worry too much about making good with her before you're ready to. You're her pack leader and you need to have the good grace to forgive when she corrects her behavior and get on with whatever you're doing. Dogs don't understand sulking or pouting the way humans do, so it confuses them.

Pregnant rabbit is not moving? HELP!?

I have a pregnant rabbit bt I am not sure of the due date. She is defo pregnant as I have felt and seen the babies kicking. And have palpalted her. Since she has been coming on my bed and lying around and rolling up in a ball and just sitting there for hours and very really eat and touch her food? She doesn't move around a lot and she isn't eating much? Bt wen its dark she is quite active? I'm quite worried and wondering why she doesn't move or eat much in the daytime and why she isn't using her cage? Help?

Do guinea pigs really like music? If so, what kind?

I've heard that they do and I care a lot for my piggies.. I want to make them happy:) Do they really like music? What kind? What else is comforting to them? What else do they like to do for cage time? Our any times, also? :)

I'm marrying a Canadian, is there anything I should know?

I'm America, he's all Canadian. We are getting married end of summer and I will be moving there. Is there anything I should about being a Canadian's wife?? Do's and dont's...cultural quirks...gender expectations and roles...anything at all! Thanks. =D

Points for Best Answer: Simple Questions on Audi TT current model?

Looking at getting a 2007 TT 2.0FSI (200hp) DSG gearbox with 30,000km (18,000miles). Is the area immediately under the rear tail lights made of plastic or metal? There is a dent exactly half an inch under the right tail light cluster and I need to know if it is part of the bumper or the bodywork. Also, to get the facelifted "LED Daytime Running Lights" look on this 2007 model, is it a simple job of just replacing the headlight cluster with the facelifted model's lights? ANY quirks and common problems to look out for on the TT with this sort of mileage?

Is my cat stupid or just plain crazy?

Hey;) If it is a new one, then ofcourse its scared of everything, when I got my first cat, we couldnt touch it. it just runs everywhere, but now we have it long and Its very cute and dont run and aint scared. If your cat is that scared, and is with you over 100 days, its very strange take it to a vet. :]

Male or Female Teddy bear hamster?

Sex with this breed of hamster means absolutely nothing!! Both sexes with proper handling and care will make great pets. The males smell ALOT more than females though! So if smells an issue, get the female.And never house 2 syrians in the same cage EVER! They will kill each other!

Rabbits foot bleeding???????

My rabbits foots been bleeding in her new cage so I put neosporn and I wrapped it. And I put a tile in there so that won't hurt it's feet. It won't leave the tile and it took off the wrap and it's getting blood all over the tile. Anyway I can help it?

Question about my new pet rat (Fancy Rat)? Need answers ASAP?

sounds like he just needs time. Give him a week or so of minimal handling. He should come around. they are very good pets. But very important is to get him a hanging water bottle.They cant really drink out of bowls or dishes and will just make a mess of it.

Is my HTC Hero SD card currupt?

I have an HTC Hero with the latest android operating system. Recently I noticed a quirk where the phone would not always register as a drive when connected to the computer. Now every few days about a dozen or more pictures/movies will become corrupt just displaying a "!" where they used to be, and then deleted by the phone a day or two later. This is a huge inconvenience as my pictures are important. Any ideas what this could be, and will I need to reformat my SD card?

What are Japanese/Chinese good luck/protection pendants/necklaces?

What are Japanese/Chinese good luck/protection pendants/necklaces for a guy to wear, I heard that bird cage necklaces are popular. What else? I seem to have difficulty finding out any others on google, thanks.

How many copies can there be?

Parallel Universes, a source of fascination and an interesting topic for a poem. Got me thinking. Thank you

The only guys who ask me out can never get women ... does this mean i'm undesirable?

They probably see you as an easy girl to approach. This does not mean that you are by any means a "last ditch effort" or not attractive. It just means that they view you as someone that they could relate to and that would be a nice companion. I'm sure the personality quirks can be looked past to..after all behind every bunch of thorns there is a beautiful rose.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is what I'm feeling really love?

I first started feeling this way 10 months ago. I don't know what it is and I'm so confused! I will be busy doing something else but then all of a sudden his name pops in my head and then I can't think about anything else. He's not my usual type but that's what makes this so strange to me. I don't know how, but for some reason my heart yearns for him so much it hurts! Every time I hear his voice I can't help but smile. His laugh is the most beautiful sound there is to me. No one is more handsome to me. If he feels sad or upset about something, then I do too. I wish I could take all his pain away so he would never want to cry. I could spot him a mile away. I'm proud of all he's worked so hard for and support him. I want to be a part of his life and him to be a part of mine. I don't get jealous easily. I know he has flaws but all those quirks of his make him more like-able.I would be happy just as long as he's happy and as long as I'm near him. I want him to be the first person I see when I wake up and the last person I see when I go to sleep. When I first met him I didn't feel this way. Is this love or just infatuation?

I would like to upgrade/get more RAM for my pc, but I'm unsure of what kind I can get.?

If you are going to keep the memory that is already in there, then you need to get the same type. If you are going to get rid of it then you can buy pc 4200 or pc 5300, its up to you, but it must be DDR2 obviously

Doctor's advice - intense weight loss / prescribed oxycontin/oxycodone?

My sister was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident 8 years ago and sustained injuries. After 2 years, she got pregnant and had a very painful delivery. The gynocologist prescribed her oxycontin/oxycodone for pain. Since then (6yrs) ago she has been prescribed these paralysing medications and she has built an immunity to them, so her and her doctor agreed that she should up her doses. She did not know that this drug could actually make you become addicted. She is on over 300 mg's of prescribed synthetic heroin and weighs a whopping 90 pounds, she has been loosing weight since dec.2011. All of her bones are showing, her shoulder blade rubs against her rib cage, her spine sticks out, she is a skeleton. The doctor said she has no time to care for her, after she prescribed her such a high dose of synthetic heroin. The doctor said its like a cold glass of water in her face. She told my sister to look up articles in magazines if she wants advice on saboxown a type of drug to help wheen patients off this drug. Now my sister has no doctor, she is left with one weeks prescription, she cannot cut off these drugs cold turkey, this is lethal to her health. She could even die because of her weight problem. She's been on these drugs 6 years, has never unused them, she has a daughter that is 6 now, and all she wants to do is to wake up and start her day. She does not want to take them anymore. She is more then willing to work with any professional to get off of these. The doctor up'd her dose 1 month ago and dropped her as a patient. My sister got her last appointment on a voice memo on her ipod, she cannot find another family doctor, she has called walk in clinics, crisis center, telehealth [ottawa,ontario], everyone has told her to go to emergency and the hospital told her they would not prescribe that to her. Is there anything she could do? Anyone know of any doctors that have the time to deal with her pain issues, she takes this drug for back and neck pain, so there is a reason for taking it. She will then have to deal with the pain and withdrawals. She looks really sick. But she needs the meds. She doesnt think the drugs and intense weight loss has anything to do with each other. This started dec 2010 - its now july 3rd and weighs less then 90 pounds. She is writing a letter to the college of physicians in ontario. She needs help asap. Could anyone help my sister?

When can i touch the baby mice?

i bought a mouse to feed to one of my ball pythons. I noticed it was really fat but didnt think much of it. The next day i seen that she had popped out at least 6 babies. It is now the end day 5 since they were born. When can i touch them to clean the cage ? and when can i touch them out of curiosity, like how many and stuff?also is there anything to know about what to do with them? anything special?Have kept rodents as pets before but never had babies happen.



Is it normal for a bearded dragon to bury himself?

Hi, yeh this is normal behavior, mine does it too sometimes, its known that bearded dragons like to bury themselves in the sand in the afternoon to help them cool off while they wait for the night time when its cooler, they dont always do this. I know you said he is burying himself in the hot side but that doesn't really matter, he is still wanting warmth, more then the cool side is giving, just a wee bit less then the full heat of the hot side. but it is most likely that the hot side is too hot for him just now so if you can,lower the temperature of that side of cage, maybe raise the height of the lamp away from the viv to decrease the amount of direct heat.

I am looking for a specific computer!?

Just build it yourself, it'll also help you out if you can troubleshoot your own PC. Although i would get a Gigabyte or ASUS board and a full tower case (to give you extra room for future upgrades).

Can my macbook pro run Arma 2?

here is a website that will be able to help you, a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a hope it helps

Fallout 3 Crash Problems?

You can't run fallout 3 on that computer...your graphics card is integrated which sucks.(no offense). The Mobile Intel(R) 965 Express Chipset Family is pretty much not good at all for gaming. So to play it you'll need another computer one with a dedicated graphics card. Next time before you buy a game check it with a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a to see if you computer can even run it, if it says no don't buy it, because steam doesn't give refunds. Sorry.

I have a late MacBook A1181, can I install a Blu-Ray Player into it?

I have a late 2006 MacBook A1181 and am wanting to install a Blu-Ray player. Is it possible? It is a 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 1.5 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM (soon to be 3 GB). It has an Intel GMA 950 chipset for graphics. If you could just let me know if it's even possible. THANKS!

Do you have any odd quirks?

My microwave timer always has to be reset to show the time (if someone takes the food out early, there will be time leftover, and I have to clear it).

How can you go back to old mail version rather than Beta version?

I did something I usually never do....try a Beta version of something and that is Yahoo Mail Beta. Contact list suggestions don't popup, when click on the To: says I don't have any names in my contact list, can't use the Bold type, too many quirks that I don't like to deal with. Anyone know of where we can go back to the older version of Yahoo Mail?

How Many Types Of Autism, Can You Find In Children To/Or Teens?

I like your question a lot, totally. But I was diagnosed with Aspergers (they're very smart, I think you might know that, IDK) when I was 12 and got to the same situation that you came in, now I'm 18. My sister has some type of autism ( I don't really know what it's called, specifically) but she is out of school ( she is done with school) but she is in a third grade level, but she has a chronic illness ( so she can't be able to learn, which I don't know why). Do you want to add me as a friend? I too want to learn about those disabilities, to be a psychologist.

Creationist FAIL. I asked to give me evidence of against evolution. Can you do better?

Add to 9. and 10. the fact that chimps and other great apes are demonstrably conscious. "Next of Kin" by Roger Fouts being a prime example.

My mom is a ***** half of the time?

I sometimes can't stand her. She doesn't act like a mother, but a high school mean girl. She purposely annoys the hell out of me because she knows I have Asperger's, and certain things and noises get to me. If she knows I get agitated if she makes a sound like hitting the glass with her fork or spoon, she'll continue to do so, think it'll help me "get over my weird quirks" and that it's not her fault I have Asperger's and that every little thing gets to me. She really doesn't get it, she assumes I'm being a brat if I freak out over the sounds she makes. Also she'll try to tell me to be quiet in front of her friends and not to talk people to death, but when I want to keep to myself and read a book or be on the computer writing stories, she says "You need to get out more instead of staying at home on the computer or lying in bed reading or sleeping!" when she just told I have no friends and will never make any because I'm annoying, yet she tries to distract me from my solitude. She tells me to not do things when it benefits her, but when I take her advice and it benefits me, it drives her crazy. She tells me to wake up in the morning and not sleep all day, but when I'm in a good mood and wake up in the morning, she comes in a bad mood and tries to get me to go to bed because she doesn't want to see me in the morning because it's her "private time". She makes fun of me and drives my life crazy. It's like she finds way to irk me on purpose to see what things she do to an Autistic person.

What is a Dual core processor?

A dual core processor has two platforms for processing, think of it as a two lane road and the cars are your processes. You have to take in several things with video rendering. If your program is advanced enough to take advantage of multiple cores you need a quad core, if it is not dual core will serve you well, but not nearly as well as a quad.

Answer plox (its about a girl)?

WELLLLLLLLLLLL you shuld just talk to her and tell her how you feel without being weird and making it weird for her so she can feel comfortable around you dont be a puss

Why wont my boyfriend tell me why he thinks id brake up with him over crossdressing?

Most likely because he's had many people not accept him in the past. Whether it be family, friends, or girlfriends. Keep reassuring him that you won't break up with him. It's probably just hard for him to accept someone and let his guard down. Keep being his best friend first and foremost, and he'll eventually accept that you won't break up with him. :)

Can anyone help me with a RAM question? :P?

Can I experience any serious problems if my RAM's and my motherboard's frequency do not match? I mean that my motherboard frequency is 533 mhz and my ram are on 800 mhz. Should I expect any problems or errors or something? Or worst case is it possible to fry them?

My guinea pig is experiencing the lymph nodes inflammation, should i put her down?

Your guinea pig should have been seen by an exotic vet long ago, she is suffering and they can give her medications and pain medication to help her. Sadly it sounds as though you have waited to long and she is to ill to survive, and yes of course the vet will charge to put her to rest. Chances are if you had been working with a good exotic vet through out the guinea pigs life they would not charge you, this is the reason your guinea pig should be seen by a vet yearly even if it has not been ill. The vet then has a report with you and the guinea pig and tent to be more giving.

What do you use to give water to bunnies?

Like, from a bowl, or those water cantern thing's you hang from the cage? Can they drink both way's?

Syrian or dwarf hamster?

I have had two Syrian hamsters, and my most current one died recently. She had been struggling with various health issues all of her life, which is why I want to adopt one from a reputable breeder this time around. I contacted the owner of AAA Hamstery here in Southern California, and she has 8 sable roan Syrians available (as of now). However, she specializes in dwarf hamsters, and I have never owned one. Are they much different? I do like the idea of having a small group hamsters. I also have a critter universe 2, and if I do end up getting dwarves, does anyone know how many I could keep in that particular cage? By the way, this is purely opinionated. If you love Syrians, that's wonderful. And dwarves too. So please share any unique stories and quirks that either may have. It's all I have to decide on. Thanks in advance!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

What are the advantages of faster ram?

today, I swapped my generic 6 gb of 1333 MHz generic ram, for 12 gb of 1600 MHz corsair dominators for $300. They are supposedly overclockable to like 2100 MHz or something like that. What are the real advantages of such high end ram like that. Even if I overclock it fully, will I notice a difference? I use adobe cs5.5 suite mostly.

Normal for full blood labs?

Mine and my BFs new puppy Harmony is a full Black lab, we picked her out because of the knot on her crown (bird dog and other hunting dog trainers say it's a sign of being exceptionally smart) and some quirks of hers. She was the only puppy in a litter of 12 black labs that had white on her chest and back paws, brown behind her ears, and a curly tail that touches her back. (like a Akita, Shiba Inu, or besinji) I'm wondering if it's normal? I've done a little research and came up with a explanation for the white, it could be "throwback genes" meaning it has recessive genes from the labrador ancestor called The St. Johns Dog, but I'm not sure if the curly tail would be a part of that. She uncurls it when she's relaxed, asleep, or afraid but curls it tighter when she's happy or excited.

Problem with a hysterical woman,?

In back of our yard there is a overgrown brushy area an yesterday we were sitting it the back yard. She suddenly seen a black snake approximately two, six inches long and panicked! She has this thing about being afraid of snakes that is out of proportion to reality and stayed awake all night last night watching for "that snake to come in the house"! Other than this quirk she is sane and rational. Any senable advise appreciated.

Getting into an Ivy League School for college advice?

Everyone applying to the top schools has the highest grades in the hardest classes and very high test scores, and those schools take fewer than 8% of applicants. You need all that and a lot more to get in. Having someone say you're a great writer doesn't help you. Getting something published (and not vanity publishing) is the best way to go.

Are allergies to rabbits not as bad as they are when there indoors?

i really want to brng my rabbit in to live inside but my mums a bit allergic to him, when hes outside she keeps well away from him and she is fine, but if he was to live in my room and if i keep him clean as much as i can (and the cage), and i keep my room clean will the allergics be as bad or will they be more mild? hes a french lop.

What is china famous for?

What kinda things. What do they celebrate and what are some unique quirks that make them stand out? What images come to head when thinking of china?

I hate my sister and I need help? No mean comments allowed though!?

My little sister is a pain in the rear! I hate her, she is disgusting and she always tries to be nice. Like today she was like, can I hold your hamster and I was like no and she cried to my mom and she came up there and took the cage to my sisters room. I just now got it back. Every time I am like studying for school or something she will come in my room and just annoy me. Today she tripped me down the stairs and I hurt my knee really bad. My mom was like what happened and I was like she tripped my and my mom sent me to my room while her and my sister went to get fro-yo and to see a movie. She acts like she is cool and has anger issues (she threw a remote at my head cause I was on a homework call) and she thinks she is going to "experience" things wayyy before me (she's 9, I am 13) like puberty. I always get in trouble because of her. Like now I got in trouble for saying move when I had to be somewhere. Please help me!

Should I Get My Tablet Replaced or Just Not Worry About This?

If the problem goes away when you get to the home screen or wherever you can finally interact with the device, I probably would not worry about it.

I am building a Custom Computer and need some help!?

Do what the first guy said and get an 1155 board for your sand bridge cpu. Also I would go with DDR3 2000mhz. It will help out. It cost more but it will make your system a little faster. Also dump the sound card ALL motherboards these days have awesome built in sound chips so you wont need a sound card.

What size psu should I be using for running two Radeon HD 6850's in crossfire mode?

I was told 1k watts but i see some people running 850 watts. System will be a Intel Core I 7 2600k with 8 gig 1600 mhz ram. But I dont wanna just skim by on power. Thanks

Bin Cage questions materials?

What am i suppose to put on the top give me what its called or what i should search on like canadian or something k thanks

How can i stop scratching my face?

I have a horrible habit of scratching my face. its not that my face is irritated or anything i just do it like a quirk. How can I stop??

I need help with a week old kittens?!?

My kittens, as of today, are 6 days old, and up till now, they were always fine with staying in a cage with their mother, but today, after nursing, when the mother came out for a snack, the kittens crawled out, (for the first time) and went to the mum for feeding again. Is it normal for cats to start crawling this early? They can't stand up properly though, and their eyes aren't opened yet. When will they start eating solid food, standing and walking and open their eyes??

Bearded dragons fighting + head bobbing please help!?

I have 3 bearded dragons 1 adult,and 2 sub adultsthe adult lives by himself and the other 2 live in a 60 gallon. The 2 sub adults used to live in the same cage untl I came home 1 day to see the smaller 1 hand was bleeding and he\she couldn't walk on it so I split the cage in half so they wouldn't be able to injure eachother again but yesterday I gave both of them a bath and they were getting along just fne so I thought maybe they could live together again so I took out the seperator and put both of them in the same 60 galon cage and the larger ones beard turned black and puffed up then he started bobbing his head while the smaller one just sarted waving his\her arms then the larger 1 chased the smaller 1 around the cage trying to bite the smaller 1 I'm not sure what sex\gender they are but they keep doing the same thing larger one gets black beard and smaller 1 sits and waves then the larger 1 chases him\her wha does this mean are they fighting or trying to mate I'm scared to put them back in the same cage somebody help

What graphics card should I get to go with my new gaming rig?

fx1800 quadro for nvidia or ati hd 6990 for amd both are great cards and wont be out date for a while(4-5years)

Some questions regarding Ferrets?

if you're worried about leaving it outside, don't leave it outside. if you ever doubt anything, don't do it. when you decide to introduce everyone, hold the ferret close to you and let the dogs sniff it. let them know it isn't a toy and to be nice. they'll probably lick it and that's a good sign, but don't let them knock it around. i would get a girl, boys can be very territorial and dominant and annoying. wait to see which ferret you get, and as soon as you look at her and you should use the first name that hits you. :) have fun!

Is It Ok If I Leave My Dog Home Alone Over Night?

Ok so i'm really worried, its late at night and I have to leave for two days for a last minute buisness trip and I don't know what to do with my baby! He is a 4 year old Maltese dog. I'm leaving like at 6:00am and I can't leave him at a daycare of hotel for dogs and it's too late right now, they're closed. I was thinking I could leave him upstairs with three separate bowls of water and two separate bowls of food, just so he won't eat them in one sitting. He usually does hius buisness outside, but he is used to peeing and pooping on newpapar too, so I left him a space for that. I also left him his 4 favorite toys, 2 of which make very loud squeeking noices which he loves to chew on. There is plenty of daylight and I left him the kitchen light on, which illuminates the rest of the uper floor. The bedrroms and closed so he only has the kitchen, the living room, and the hallway. I left him his comfy bed and his cage, he loves sleeping in there. I used it for training when he was young but I gess he feels safer in there. So I'm leaving really early tomorrow and returning around 48 hours later. I just wanted to know, is it okay to leave him home alone that long? He is usually spending a lot of time with me. I take him out a lot too. I'm so worried he'll get lonely or think I abandoned him! I love him so much and I really feel terrible. I can't bare to be away from him and have no idea if he is okay :S I'll be really worried the whole time :( I'll try calling someone to check on him tomorrow after I land but I'm not sure if anyone can go check on him!) So I just wanted to know, is this okay? Is it considered animals cruelty? Will it affect my dog? Will he be sad? Will he be lonely? How long can a dog go without its owner? (With plenty of food and water in many bowls -just curious?) Thanks and please don't be mean, personally I wouldn't leave him but this is an emergency, I really have to go to this meeting!

How can I increase my FPS (Frames Per Second) in WorldofWarcraft?

Turn down the graphics to Fair or Low, delete programs that use online on your computer (Skype, Steam, Etc.) Check your router to make sure it is working properly, there might be too many computers on the wifi.

Are Showers good for Lovebirds ?

I carried my lovebird in the bathroom with me while i brushed my teeth , he flew in the tube/shower and started walking around i turn the shower on low and warm water . He loved it ! Now his cage his by the bathroom and every time i walk by it to go he starts going crazy and doing his get out of the cage dance and chirps . So i have started carrying him with me when i go and he gets in the shower and i put it on full blast he loves it , he runs around getting wet and chirping and when he is done i usually blow dry him off with the Blow Dryer and he sits and waits till he is dried off . However he has been wanting to do it everyday and im worried he might Develop a skin rash or experience dry skin . What should i do ? He has been wanting to do it everyday and i usually let him , but now im worried . Is it some kind of bird shampoo ? I have seen some online but i'm very skeptical . Can anyone give me some advice ?

Is our new ferret sick?

He is a few months old. Was litter box trained almost immediatly. Recently stopped using the boxes so we were re-training him assuming he was just showing his butt. Now all of a sudden he has been having really runny stools, and wont even get up! He will lay right where he was laying, fart, and have a runny bowel movement all over himself! He was eating ok until a few hours ago and now hasnt touched his food or water, and is sleeping in his litter box. Can anyone tell me whats going on with him? He seems pretty lethargic right now but was playing fine earlier. Keep in mind hes been caged for a bit since having these nasty runny stools and not using the boxes. Im worried about our Little Dude!

Why are run-aways punished by the law?

Because it is generally assumed that anyone under the age of 18 isn't mature enough to make major life decisions for themselves. This assumption is almost always correct.

Cheapest C&C cage PLEASE?

well you can go to target they sell 9 cube unit for around 30 dollars or you can go to walmarts website and have them shipped to the store (You might need 2 sets of them) .The cloroplast you can get at home depot or go in a sign shop and explain to them why you need a large sheet of it and they should sell you one.

Rubbing girlfriends belly?

Okay this is gonna sound weird, but a couple of days ago me and my girlfriend had a pregnancy scare, kind of a freak accident situation, and then she had her period, but ever since then I've been rubbing her belly, almost like an instinctual thing, I can't really explain it, I was watching TV with her today and I was laying down with her and I just couldn't stop rubbing her belly, it was weird, it's not a fetish of mine and I've never done it before, does it mean she had a miscarriage and it's just some kind of fatherly instinct still present? Or is it just me being used to the idea of her being pregnant? Or is it just some weird new quirk? It's kinda weird and won't leave me alone.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I am so pathetic....................?

It must be strange to start dating someone after you have been with someone else for such a long time. Maybe your ex husband made you feel independent and your new boyfriend makes you feel the opposite. You don't have to leave him to be happy but maybe just spend more time on your own without him like with your friends and family or just do something you enjoy by yourself every once in a while. Maybe you should just start doing things that make you feel happy and independent just like how you felt before. Don't feel pathetic cause your not. It is perfectly fine to feel that way when something new is going on in your life that you don't like. Just do what you like and do what makes you happy :)

Are there any books or videos to teach me how to repair mopeds (50 CC motorbikes and scooters)?

Why not get a service manual. A Haynes manual for this scooter is only $33.95 USD + shipping. It will pay for itself the first time you use it.

My female chinchilla is sneezing because of her kit?

Please keep the male and female away from each other unless you want to be over run with chinchillas. Please be a responsible pet lover and get them neutered.

Pet Owl setup/care please?

I don't think it is appropriate to keep a pet owl. The pet owl should be allowed to have freedom and what kind of enjoyment could you get from them anyway? They are nocturnal.

Lookin to play angry birds smoothly!!!?

i am currently using a samsung intercept from virgin mobile with an 800 mhz processor and can barely play angry birds with put lagging or considering upgrading to a 1ghz single proccessor phone preferably snap dragon...with this proccessor should i be able to finally run angry birds without lagging to death?

Straight Guy Trying to Date a Lesbian?

no, don't listen to these lesbians. they are just hypocrites. when a lesbian ask if she can date a straight girl, the lesbians tell her to do it and see. they are telling you no because they are afraid and pissed off that there are not enough lesbians out there for them to find easily.

I have 2 PC3200 400 MHz DDR RAM cards. How do I know if they are compatible for my computer?

Its a Intel Celeron 2.3 GHz processor, with a maximum of 2Gb RAM, but they seem to not work when I put them in. Can I not mix and match brands? or once i put them in the PC, do I need to anything special?

Gelding that likes to get up and GO on the trails?

Lots and lots of not running him. It's always easier to instill good behavior/training in horses than it is to retrain the results of this sort of riding.

Basic tips on building a gaming computer?

Ok so I'm building this new desktop that would cost around 1500$ and I need your help. Good news is that I'm not totally clueless and I know a few basics to building a computer. I know that I need a compatible mobo with the proccessor (lga socket) and I was thinking to get the core i5-2500k and a compatible motherboard, but will it be better if i took an intel mobo, asus idk theres just so many to pick from but I'm thinking of taking an intel one, its just easier to pick. As for RAM (DDR3 of course) I was thinking of 6GB (3x2gb? cause idk which mobo has enough RAM slots to fit 3 so help out here) cause thats as much as games would need even like 5 years from now. But would it make much of a difference if they have different Mhz for gaming? As for the video card, please suggest some fitting ones that are sensible for this system but no lower than 460gtx please, should I use dual cards or one powerful card idk. Also for the vcard is that will it fit in the motherboard, or does it have a different slot that requires something else since thats what I heard is the case in powerful video cards. I would appreciate any answers that would help me out cause im kinda confused about a few areas.

Will a European Samsung Galaxy S 2 work on T-Mobile USA's 4G network?

T-Mobile's 4G bands are 1700/2100 MHz frequencies, but the European imported Galaxy S 2 only supports the 900/2100 MHz bands. I was wondering if missing the 1700MHz band means that the phone wont support the 4G data stream?

New puppy with possible developmental issues?

It sounds to me like an urgent trip to the vet is in order. There are several things that you mentioned that concern me. Bloated belly could be worms, walks in circles and runs into things could be eyes or brain issues or something else entirely. Has the puppy been de-wormed , what about vaccinations? You say that the friend was the cause of the problems, was the puppy a product of improper breeding? Improper breeding can lead to many problems. I have personally seen puppies that were doing some of the things that you describe that were the product of improper breeding such as walking in circles. The puppy seems to have a lot of things going on so I would say get the vet to take a look and if at all possible get the full story from your friend. If this is really a good friend/responsible breeder she should have no problem giving you the whole story. Good luck and I hope you get the puppy feeling better soon!!

Picking up my leopard gecko?

I got a leopard gecko about 2 weeks ago and he\she seems really settled in and is eating a lot so I want to pick him/her up to find out its gender. It is REALLY skittish and shy. Its a Juvenile and very energetic. I have been putting my hand in the cage and he seems to be interested for a few seconds then either lays his head down or turns around but he has never come out to crawl on it or lick it. If hes walking around when I walk in to my room he will go to his hide pretty quick he doesn't run but its a little faster than walking. please help thanks

Why is my dwarf rabbit so hyper?

I just went out and bought a black female dwarf rabbit. She is about 4 months old. I got her today, and I'm wondering why she's so HYPER. I've heard that they are a hyper breed, but everytime I try to let her out to run she just wont stop. I'm scared to leave her alone when she's outside the cage, but I know you have to let them out for a while everyday. It's so hard to catch her to get her in the cage. Is this something that will pass, or is something wrong?

Ferret care, do I have everything?

a href=""…/a

How will my pc run crysis 2,BF3, COD MW3, NFS the run etc?

ya looks like everything is compatible... jus need a 2 to 4 more gigs of ram..and depending on how new of a mother board than can support future upgrades .. there no doubt it can handle 4-6 years.. at the moment the gpu is good but might need to upgrade it in a year or 2 do to alotta new updates the game been haveing requireing more and more from the gpus

How can I fix dangerous spinning when mounting my horse?

Hi there. I recently adopted a 14 yr old Morgan gelding. He has had extensive training by his previous owner but he was just too spirited for her (she was 54 and never rode previously in her life). If he refused or acted spooky with her on his back, she would simply dismount and walk him home. I was made aware of all of his quirks before purchasing him and warned of his stunts. He is very intelligent and picked up a very dangerous bad habit with his previous owner. I have knocked out a few trail rides with him this week and was quite successful with him once I was able to mount him. Here's the problem: he spins the second I lay the reins across his neck and prepare to mount. It's not a walking off problem or a "little" spin at all! He spins hard and doesn't stop, even when somebody holds him. I've tried mounting against a fence, and that hasn't helped. The only way that I can, is if someone holds him by his bit from the back of their horse. That way he cant spin into the other horse, move forward or spin into me. And if you put a foot in the stirrup and rush to throw your other leg over his back, he's off for the races and at times will buck! He'll do anything to keep you from getting your seat. Now, I've had this horse vetted and had a chiropractor check him over. He had his teeth floated in April. He doesn't do any of this in an indoor arena- he stands perfectly still! I lounge him for fifteen minutes on each side and also try spinning him to disengage his hindquarters before attempting to mount with no success. This only happens before leaving the barn for a trail ride. Out on the road I can dismount and remount without any problems. He really seems to enjoy the rides and leads with excitement, so I'm thinking it's just a real bad habit/ trick that he's learned. Any other suggestions on how to correct this?


I have two abyssinian guinea pigs (males), one of them is Pepper, he is probally about 2 1/2 years old. My other one is Punkin Pie, he is probally about 6-8 months old. I love them both SO much, always have. When I first got Pepper, I was a little younger, I didn't know it was normal for them to be skittish, so I sort of gave up. I still took good care of Pepper, let him go outside, feed him, water him, bathed him, and cleaned his cage regularly. I probally actually held him and loved on him once a month. I feel really bad after I did more research, so I went out a bought him a friend, Punkin Pie. I knew there was a chance they would fight but I tried it and they were just fine:) So then I started to spend a lot more time with BOTH of them! Pepper has come a long way, Punkin Pie is about the same. But they are still skittish and I feel like they really don't like me like a lot.. :'( Is it too late for me to bond with them? Should I just keep doing what I'm doing? Is there any advice you could give me to help? By the way I do love them with all of my heart but it seems that the like me but I want to bond with them more!!! Please help!

Is my guinea pig (cavie) sick?

He could just have a cold as they are very prone to catching them especially if you or somebody in your family has got one. But if it doesn't clear up within a few days take him to the vet x

Is feeling better after staying up past 24 hours a sign of migaine or depression or another medical condition?

I have an unknown medical condition that so far no doctors have been able to figure out what it is. I have episodes of pressure and sometimes dizziness and confusion that usually last for hours. This usually happens after some kind of trigger, which one of them for me seems to be artificial sweeteners for some reason espec. the ones in toothpaste. I have been to a neurologist and other doctors for the past year and they have tested me for lymes, tumors, and seizures. For some reason though im noticing my head feels a-lot clearer after not sleeping. Is this a legit symptom or is this just a personality quirk? Thanks for answering.

Pisces being a mean girlfriend?

we are only mean when we dont like something that person is doing or if we dont like the person. my dad is a pisces and my mom a leo and im a pisces. they are always arguing

Can a chinchilla live in a previously owned cage without cleaning the cage?

I own a 4 ft chin cage, it used to have tennants living there a few months ago I was just wondering if it was alright to populate the cage with a male and female chinchilla to mate with the scent of the chinchillas previously living in that cage.? Will this cause interference in any way? Thank you for reading.

Is this normal or not????????

I am 26 weeks pregnant. I can feel the baby move up in my ribs. Sometimes I can feel him in my ribs and pelvis at the same time. I can also feel real bad pressure sometimes like he is stretching and doesn't have enough room. I also half Braxton Hicks contractions and I can feel the top of my uterus about an inch below my rib cage (I can tell because my uterus gets really hard). If I eat at all I feel like I'm either going to explode or vomit. I feel like I'm 36 weeks instead of 26. Is this normal for a 2nd pregnancy? Oh, and sometimes when I stand up too fast it feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife.

Why am I into older men?

Just to let you know first of all, I WOULD NEVER TRY ANYTHING. I sort of desire to desire, if you understand me. I like to want, but not necessarily to have. For a while I felt asexual and slightly aromantic because I had zero desire to be with anyone sexually, or romantically. At all. The only thing that is different, is that I tend to find older men, atleast 25 (preferably in their 30s but into their 40s is more than ok) sexy intellectually, and eventually physically but only with huge influence from their personality. They can be drop dead sexy, and I'll still prefer the OK guy with a massive personality, or with a quirk that attracts me. I never am attracted to teenage boys. I'm 16. Why can't I just like teenage boys? It gets awkward when people ask me why I don't have a boyfriend, and one of my friends jokes around by saying I'm a lezo. But I honestly don't get it, I mean. I only begin to like older men after I like their personality, before then they're just someone else. No attraction whatsoever. After a single meeting I could be at my feet, it just happens. :$

Friday, August 5, 2011

Is my cpu compatible with my ram?

a CPU is compatible will all types of RAM aslong as the motherboard supports both then you have nothing to worry about, the same goes for the frequency, the frequency of the ram is how fast data is accessed from the different components along the bus system.

I might get robo hammies cage ideas?

Well i was told barred cages (even ones with thin barring) are out of the question for roborovski hamsters so can you recommend one without barring incase i get robos? it can't be any bigger than 40x49cm but can have second floors.

Help with computer. Exp people please?

Your best bet maybe to switch out the processor - not as hard as it may sound - check out a href="" rel="nofollow" You will need to know the form factor of the motherboard (socket type) to find a suitable upgrade. You can also consider upgrading the motherboard also - will need to know the case size to find a replacement. Been a while since I switched out processors, hope it helps.

Bunny seems depressed ?:(?

I take good care of her and everything; i took her out to play twice but she bit me so i put her back in her cage. Usually she'll be bouncing around her cage but she just seems upset .. how do i cheer her up? :(

Is A Kicker DX 500.1 A Good Amp To Power Two 12" Kicker Comps?

Yes. Those subs, when wired in parallel, will be 2ohms...and each sub wants 150W RMS (300W RMS total for the pair). That amp is rated at 275x1@2ohms but kicker underrates their amps so I would expect it to actually be about 300-350W which would provide the optimal power to those subs.

Parents, what's one little quirk that you have?

I saw "like too much" but that's probably more annoying than a quirk. Oh yeah, and I don't like mixing my food. Say I have meat, potatoes, and corn on my plate. I eat each section separately, no touching or mixing!

How is charger broken and how to fix it?

The charger works. It is in the computer. Take the charger with you when you bring in the computer to be fixed.

How do you keep a carin terrier away from your pet hamster?

I have a pet carin terrier and my parents say i can't get a hamster even if I pay for it all by myself they say its in her jeans to chase and kill small animals such as a hamster. Im planing on clearing off a high shelf and putting the cage on it where she can't get to it.Even if they don't think its a good idea im probably still going to get a hamster but ... I don't want them to be mad at me so is there a way that I can prove my parents wrong by keeping my (soon to have) hamster for as long as I can?

How do these parts work together in gaming?

gpu is pretty good. i'd go with teh xfx 5970 at least. and try changing the cpu to amd phenom x6 or x4 at least. that should run games pretty well.

Marvel vs DC:Matchups?

They did something like this before, technically marvel won, thor vs. supes would be tricky but probably supes he never loses, spiderman if he used his spidey-senses to anticipate flash, storm easy because she controls more then just wind. wasp vs. bumblebee ends in a draw. batman would own iron fist, captain america would beat deathstrike, I'd have to side with wolverine because think he's the greatest, and probably widebeast.

Computer Videos Freezing and Halting but Sound is Fine?

The same thing happened to my computer after I installed uTorrent. Try uninstalling any software that you have recently downloaded.

Do I have Antisocial Personality Disorder or is this quirk something else, but a type of disorder?

Nothings wrong with wanting to be alone. I would just be wise regarding picking safe areas to be alone, carry mace, and all that. As far as any other relationship issues, as you know honesty is best, and that seasoned with diplomacy where needed.

My Subs Are Clipping And The Gain Is A Little Under Half Way Up?

turn the gain down are running a 500 watts rms amplifier too 2 subs that handle a combined 300 watts rms.if you run your amplifier at full power you will end up killing your subwoofers.

Are there any feminist men out there?

I only ever seem to meet men who have really old-fashioned ideas about women; that they all want to get married and have babies as soon as possible, that they want to trap and control a man, that they're indecisive and that certain behaviour (such as being useless with money) is 'typical' of women. Are there any men out there who don't believe these things and actually think women are not defined entirely by their gender and might actually have their own quirks and foibles that make them human? And, if so, where are they?

Should homeschooling be banned?

No. Child Protective Services should be audited and gutted. Its obviously an example of the failure of government intervention (imagine THAT)

How does The Spy Gear Tank work?49. 360 MHz?

does it need to be turned on in order to be able to spy? Or does it have a battery inside tank? Besides the 12 AA Battery

Is my CPU and graphics card good enough to play dungeons and dragons online?

My graphics card is Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family and my CPU is Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 420 @ 1.60GHz, 1600 Mhz, 1core(S), 1 Logical Processor(s) I just want to know if i could run this perfectly without it lagging or my computer crashing. Oh and do i need a 64 bit or will a 32 bit work just fine?

Big dogs, small dogs~ aggression~?

just find a home for her without any big dogs, she should be fine. some small dogs are intimidated by bigger dogs, and the poor little thing is probably shell shocked, she has went from being outside her intire life with no interaction to inside with these HUGE (they seem like a huge threat to her) dogs coming at her, she is just trying to protect herself. just let her know that its ok, and dont bang her cage it will only intensify her behavior. just let them fight it out...a little dog cant do much to your bigger dogs. and when she stops and calms down give her a treat and then she will realize...if im calm and non aggressive around other dogs then i get food! yummy. thats how dogs work. i hope i helped!

Alright, let's try this one out?

HONEST CRITIQUE: Kind of vague and rambling. Never seems to move forward or describe what happened before the words you write, and how the situation got there.

Bathroom issues with cat on 9hr flight?

Yes use the dog carrier your cat could get sick holding it in so long also cats get pretty stressed during long travel so you have to make it as comfortable as possible try and make sure the carrier is big enough for some of his toys you may want to bring him on board with you if possible and sneak him into the bathroom so you can change the pad calm him and give him treats when necessary if he needs to be under make sure hes comfortable and has plenty of food and water

What do you like/dislike the opposite sex doing?

I'd like to know, just for fun, what people like in a girl or guy, as well as dislike (basically turn ons/offs). Also, do you have any strange quirks? Like, for example, there's something you just can't stand the opposite sex doing that seems normal or insignificant to others? Or there's something the opposite sex does that just melts your heart that seems weird to others?

How can I tell if I have asperger's syndrome or am just shy WITHOUT being diagnosed?

There's no real difference between Asperger's Syndrome and having these traits. The only difference is whether you have a diagnosis or it. Keep in mind that autism is a classification invented by people, it's not an absolute thing you either have or don't have. If people are prejudiced, it may be best not to say it, especially if you don't really have a disability. You don't need to make excuses though, you are who you are.

Why have I been getting annoyed so easily lately?

I don't know why. So many things have just been annoying me in general. My mom's quirks annoy me, if my friend talks to my brother's friend (cuz they used to like each other), I just want to yell at her and tell her to leave him alone and get out of our life, I gave one of my other friends counsel on a matter but she kinda ignored it and is still doing something so I'm really annoyed at that..I don't know, I'm 15 but I seem to be getting upset/annoyed with people so easily lately, and sometimes people just piss me off and idk why. I'm not normally like this.

Can I Put Two African Greys In The Same Cage?

First of all, I personally wouldn't get another grey...focus your attention on your current grey. But if you're certain that's something you want to do...I wouldn't put them in the same cage, especially un-sexed. Perhaps put them in seperate cages but side by side. I have a CAG and he likes his own space but loves to come out and bond with me. I would worry about your current grey. He/she needs to have personal space and may not like having a roomate. On the flip side, he/she may bond so closely with the other grey that they won't want anything to do with you. If you keep them seperately, it's more likely they will still bond with you. I would get two cages and two playstands. Let them play together outside of the cage in the same room on their playstands, if you do decide to go with two.

Can my computer run starcraft 2 on high graphic settings?

No. Your processor is on the light side, and your video card was intended for HD video playback, not gaming. You might reach medium settings if your screen resolution is low.

How do I train my rabbit agility?

My bunny doesn't walk on a leash very well. When I go on YouTube and watch bunny jumping competitions I see they use a leash and do many jumps in a row without hesitation. The only time he will go over a jump is when I'm wearing my fuzzy slippers that he wants to hump on the other side of the jump. How do I train my rabbit to go over jumps easily and not have to push him over or with wearing my fuzzy slippers. I have a clicker and if I need treats then I don't know which treats because my bunny doesn't usually eat outside of it's cage.

What are the advantages of faster ram?

today, I swapped my generic 6 gb of 1333 MHz generic ram, for 12 gb of 1600 MHz corsair dominators for $300. They are supposedly overclockable to like 2100 MHz or something like that. What are the real advantages of such high end ram like that. Even if I overclock it fully, will I notice a difference? I use adobe cs5.5 suite mostly.

My hamster is dehydrated, how to rehydrate?

My hamster is dehydrated because her bottle leaked and she didn't have water for a day. Now she is rolling on her back and very disoriented. She has spasms of moving quickly and then just staying still. I already filled up and placed several water bottles with vitamins in them around her cage and gave her a leaf of lettuce and a few apple slices. Is there anything else I can do to help her recover, it's already been 5 hours and she's still a little disoriented.

I'm worried my ferret won't grow out of biting?

I've had a few ferrets over the years and they will nip or bite when excited and playing. It sounds like yours is doing alright in social situations so I'm not overly sure there is a cause for alarm. However you can always google "stop ferret biting" and you may find some pertinent information there. Good luck.

Why is there a bump under my left breast?

It is like on my rib cage, just right under my left breast. It is kinda hard, like a bone when i press it. under my right breast is flat.

My cockatiel wont eat, PLEASE HELP!?

I own thirteen breeding pairs of Tiels and have found that the males are not always the agressor in fights it sounds like your Shelly and Magoo had a falling out. First never take out the male you need to put him back as soon as possible. Start by taking out the hen a pair of gloves helps let her bite on the tip of a finger,and pull her out of the cage then put him in he should go in the box and sit on the eggs. Let her settle down you will be surprised at the mess she will make you really need to get her out before much longer because she will not mess in her box and can become very ill from holding all that waste inside her once she has evacuated give her a flat water bowl to splash in and some plain millet or corn chex, have never had a hen turn those down, and her attitude should mellow out. Then you put her back in the cage. She really should be spending her days out of the box. males sit the eggs in the daytime and females go in at night as a general rule but as with all couples every pair of Tiels has a different method I do have a pair that I often have to pull the hen out and yes he feeds her so she will stay on the eggs so he won't have to. Every morning I pull her out and put her on a perch over a newspaper to dump. Good luck with your pair

What does asterisk (*) mean in Motherboard's main memory?

It means that 1600 and 2133 speed can only be obtained by over clocking (OC) the FSB of the board/CPU sets the "default" ...most likely 1333...YOU have to set the the speed and timing to 1600 in the bios.

How do you deal with a large rib cage?

Ok I am pretty sure nothing can be done about a large rib cage, but will I ever grow into it? I am rather on the small side. I have really small feet, I am a size 4-5 and I am going into the 10th grade, everything else is small too like my hands and stuff. I mean for my age and all. I was one of the shortest students in 8th grade, but I was slightly taller then most or the same height, if you don't count the guys, in 9th grade. Which was really weird I guess all the short kids were in the other middle schools. Anyway I have a large rib cage and I hate it a lot. It makes it really hard to get dresses cause I can't zip the dress in my size once I reach my rib cage and most of the time when I go a size bigger I am too short for the dress or the bust is too big for me.

Which one of these Graphics cards is better?

It'll be a pretty big difference, but why a GT 240? If you're looking to buy it, then don't. It's a fairly low-end card these days and not a good deal for the money. Even a Radeon 6570 outruns one and does it for the same amount of money, maybe even less.

Is it good?????????????

>I don't see a motherboard, cpu heatsink/cooler, case, case fans. There is no way to really tell what can run on what until you build it and test it. REad the game specs. I think from what you have listed, you won't have any current problems with just about any game. Anything over 12 Gigs can actually SLOW the computer down from what I have read out there, and you probably will never use that for gaming anyway. Oh yeah, one other point - W7 Home Premium ONLY can access a maximum of 8 gigs, so you had better have the Professional or the Ultimate Edition of W7 to use anything over 8 gigs of RAM, FYI.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Is it okay to buy generic RAM? It's $20 less...?

your using a 64-bit OS right? Because 32-bit windows 7 only supports up to 4 gb. I'd go with the $80 ram because with the $60 you still have to add shipping and its not much of a price difference anyway but it really depends on the brand's reputation.

EMERGENCY!!!!!!! 10pts!!!?

How do I convince my mom to let me^ take my cockatiel out of it's cage? She won't let me^!! No matter what I do or say she just won't let me^!!! I tried writing a letter, showing her proof that it's gonna die if I keep it in there, asking her why!!!! Everything!!!!!!! She said if I ask her one more time she's gonna set it free. She was holding me^ by my neck saying I have to keep it in there. She also said it carries diseases. Can I get help. 10pts.

How do I deal with an anorexic girlfriend?

I started talking to this girl almost a year ago, and began dating her a couple months after that. The relationship went well, although I noticed some little quirks about her, like calling herself fat when she wasn't (and isn't). She also didn't eat much. The all of the sudden, she dumped me. Out of the blue, with little explanation. Well a couple months go by and we had talked but hadn't seen each other since the breakup. She calls me one night and tells me she's been in a treatment center for you guessed it: anorexia. We started dating again a month after that, and she just recently finished her stay at the treatment center and I'm very proud of her. I'm just kinda worried for her because I never want to see her live her life like how she was living it with anorexia. I've heard that relapse is likely, and I'm looking for some tips on the things I can do to help her out. I love this girl and seeing her relapse would be terrible. Anorexia led to our breakup the first time, I don't want there to be a second.

Can my pc run modern warfare 2?

It will run like crap if at all on an integrated 4200 Radeon. Not so sure about your Opteron CPU either although I don't see the clock speed or core count